
Ailments Treated by Chinese Medicine
If you have a problem that has defied solution, or just want to feel better, you may want to try Chinese Medicine. Below is a list of some of the disharmonies that are treatable with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbology. The practice of Chinese Medicine is not limited to the ailments listed here:
- Abdominal DistensionAbdominal Distension is treated by strengthening the qi. The treatment also requires sit ups and reducing sugar consumption.
- Abdominal PainI treat abdominal pain with KMS (Kiiko Matsumoto) Japanese acupuncture, which I have also used to treat patients with western diagnoses of Chrones disease , irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis and many other abdominal disorders.
- AcneI have cured many cases of acne with Chinese acupuncture. In the theory of Chinese Medicine, acne is caused by “heat in the blood,” a disharmony easily treated.
- AllergiesPatients with allergies are treated according to the underlying Chinese diagnosis. From this diagnosis, which is often complex, I reduce the symptoms using acupuncture and Chinese herbology.
- Alzheimer’sPaul Peter Finney treats Alzheimer’s using KMS Japanese** acupuncture on the hara (the abdomen). The diagnosis is performed by palpating the abdomen. According to the areas found to be tender, needles are inserted elsewhere to reduce the inflammation. By calming the exicitotoxicity of the abdomen, the brain is relieved from being attacked by the immune system and is able to begin healing itself.
- AmenorrheaPaul Peter Finney treats amenorrhea with Chinese acupuncture and Chinese Herbolology. Amenorrhea is the absence of menstrual flow. It is caused by blood stagnation or blood depletion.
- AngerAnger in Chinese medicine causes in the liver to heat up, furthering the level of anger. A more polite word for anger is frustration. All humans are frustrated about one thing or another. It is an emotion that can ultimately make us sick, so intervention is important. Acupuncture and Chinese herbology are brilliant in alleviating anger and its ill effects on the body.
- AnxietyAnxiety may affect several organs, depending on its source and the length of time the patient has been anxious. For anxiety, I calm the heart (and spirit), smooth the liver qi, and support, with acupuncture, other organs as indicated.
- ArthritisArthritis has many causes. Rheumatoid arthritis may be caused by emotions, diet, or an auto immune disorder (which I treat, also). Dampness or other obstructions in the meridians also cause arthritis. All are treatable, as is osteoarthritis. Better to catch it early.
- AsthmaAsthma was one of my early specialties in my practice. There are several causes of asthma in Chinese medicine. Some cases of asthma are allergic, others are caused by weak lung qi, heat in the lung or even “rebellious qi.” The term rebellious qi is part of the charm of Chinese medical theory. Rebellious qi of the stomach can cause vomiting. Get it? The qi is going the wrong way, and so does what you ate for dinner! So to get back to the point about asthma, if the lung qi is going in the wrong direction, it is very difficult to breathe. I have a patient from Peabody, Kansas, who credits my treatment of him about 25 years ago with his being nearly free of asthma today.
- Atrophy SyndromeAtrophy Syndrome in Chinese medicine is caused by one of seven disharmonies, ranging from heat in the lungs to blood stasis in the meridians.
- Auto Immune DiseasesWe treat auto-immune diseases by using KMS Japanese acupuncture to calm the hara, the Japanese name for the abdomen. This works because 80% of the lymphocytes live in the small intestine. We believe that auto-immune diseases are caused by a disturbance of the lymphocytes and therefore we calm the resulting inflammation. Once the immune system is calmed, it stops eating the brain, regeneration starts, and the patient begins recovery.
- Back and Neck PainMy practice of curing back and neck pain has changed since I took up KMS Japanese** abdominal palpation. I have discovered that a lot of backs are crooked because of disharmonies of the internal abdominal organs. Once I correct the disharmonies, the back straightens itself. I discovered this on one of my favorite Shawnee patients, and I was so amazed that I put a gold star on her chart!
- Bladder Infection and Frequent UrinationBladder infections can be cured with Chinese herbal formulas taken in pill form. Frequent urination has a number of causes, among them a deficiency of yang, which is corrected by moxabustion and Chinese herbal pills.
- Bleeding of the GumsBleeding of the Gums is caused, generally, in Chinese Medicine by what we call “heat in the stomach.” Heat in the stomach is caused by ingesting food or drink which is of a “hot energy.” The cure is effected with herbology and acupuncture and diet change.
- Breast LumpsBreast Lumps have their origin in the frustration that accompanies life and also the frustration that is common during the menstrual cycle. This frustration leads to stagnation of the qi, which leads to stagnation of blood, which together with phlegm, causes breast lumps. If benign, the situation is easily treated.
- BronchitisBronchitis has its origins in lungs weakened by smoking or in sadness or both. It is treatable in Chinese medicine. Good results can be expected unless the patient is a smoker who refuses to quit.
- Chronic Fatigue SyndromeChronic Fatigue has more than one cause. The cause I see most frequently occurs in patients who for too many years were leading terribly frustrating lives. The frustration eventually takes its toll on internal organs, slowing or blocking the flow of qi. Acupuncture, Chinese herbology and deep emotional work (which I do also) are natural and effective in treating this malady.
- Cluster HeadachesCluster headaches is a term used by Western doctors to signify what in Chinese medicine is a variation of migraine headaches. See more under “migraine headaches.”
- Common Cold — catching too frequentlyCatching colds too easily is a condition that can have several causes. One is a weak “protective qi” layer above the skin. This condition can be treated. Also, there are herbs in Chinese medicine to ward off oncoming colds.
- Cold Fingers and ToesIn the theory of Chinese medicine cold extremities are often caused by weak qi not carrying the blood out to the tips of the fingers and toes. There are herbal concoctions that remedy this malady.
- Cough that is chronic — dry or productiveCoughs in Chinese medicine may be caused by phlegm in the lungs. The phlegm may be either clear or yellow. Clear phlegm may be the result of a diet too rich in sugar and dairy, or the residual effect of a cold. Yellow phlegm indicates infection (or heat as the Chinese would say) in the lung. Dry coughs may result from weak lung qi, or from a cold that is not yet fully resolved. Acupuncture and Chinese herbology are effective for these conditions.
- ConstipationConstipation has a number of causes. In middle-aged to older women it may be simply a deficiency of blood from too many years of menstruating. In others it may be heat in the large intestine or a lack of yin or fluids. It is very easily cured naturally and easily with Chinese herbology.
- DepressionDepression in terms of Chinese medicine is stagnation of liver qi, which is caused by anger, repressed as it may be. I was depressed for 27 years and was healed by years of seeking a closer relationship to God, and ultimately by His grace. So I know a lot about depression. To undo the painful knots of all that repressed anger is a lot of work. But the work brings joy in the end.
Manic Depression or Manic Disorder, I have cured a patient recently of manic depression using KMS Japanese acupuncture. From abdominal palpation I determined her inflamed areas, and inserted needles at points on her extremities to quell the inflammation ** This, over the course of many treatments, greatly calmed the inflammation of her abdomen. She got off all her medications, became employed and today ls well and leading a normal life. I believe the inflammation of her gut led her immune system to also be over active in her brain, producing her manic-depression. - Dermatological problems — rashes, carbuncles, eczemaAcupuncture and Chinese herbology are uniquely able to resolve skin disorders. The location of the dermatological problem often gives away its origin. A rash or eczema is often located on certain acupuncture meridians that are related to internal organs of the same name. For example, an eczema may be located on the stomach meridian, in which case we diagnose further to see if there is a disharmony in the stomach itself. Such skin problems, once diagnosed, are easily treated.
- DiabetesAdult onset diabetes is treatable provided the patient is willing to change his diet and exercise.
- DiarrheaDiarrhea may be acute or chronic and can be caused by a deficiency of qi or by cold or dampness in the intestinal organs. Acupuncture and Chinese herbology are effective cures.
- DiverticulitisI haven’t had a case of diverticulitis since I started practicing KMS Japanese acupuncture, which is stellar in reducing inflammation in the abdomen. I believe that the KMS Japanese acupuncture plus a good probiotic would greatly help diverticulitis.**
- DizzinessDizziness may be caused by emotional strain, overwork, excessive sexual activity, poor diet. These strains on the body then produce diagnosable conditions in Chinese medicine with names such as “turbid phlegm in the head,” deficiency of yin, yang, qi or blood. All are treatable successfully. I have derived great professional and personal satisfaction treating patients suffering from dizziness. I had a bout of it once for a few hours, and cured it with an herbal formula for frustration which I am still taking. While I was dizzy, it was frightening; so I have empathy.
- DysmenorrheaDysmenorrhea is pain before, during or after menstruation. It may be caused by emotional strain, excessive exposure to cold and dampness, overwork, chronic illness, excessive sexual activity or even childbirth. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs give excellent results.
- Ears - ringing soundTinnitus is difficult to cure in Chinese medicine, but it is easy to reduce the volume and the amount of time that it is audible. Tinnitus is indicative of a rise of liver yang from anger or a deficiency of yin from age or overwork.
- EczemaEczema may occur in patients who also have or had asthma. In these cases, I treat both the lung and the eczema.
In eczema cases where there is no history of asthma, the eczema may be dry or “weeping.” These different manifestations of eczema are both treated successfully with acupuncture and Chinese herbology. - EdemaEdema in Chinese medicine and acupuncture is generally caused by a deficiency of qi in one or more vital organs.
- EndometriosisEndometriosis — see uterine fibroids and polyps
- Epigastric PainJapanese abdominal palpation and treatment resolves epigastric pains generally with great efficiency.
- Erectile DysfunctionErectile dysfunction is one of my favorite disorders to cure as the cure brings much happiness! It is treated with moxabustion, acupuncture, and very often Chinese herbology.
- Eyes-itchy or dryItchy or dry eyes are treated easily and effectively with Chinese herbal formulas developed by the ancient doctors. These formulas work as well today as they did when formulated for the Emperors, their families, and members of the court.
- Facial PainFacial Pain is often caused by what in Western medicine is called trigeminal neuralgia. It has a different name in Chinese acupuncture and is easily and effectively treated.
- Facial DeviationFacial deviation is most often caused by trigeminal neuralgia, a condition easily treated with acupuncture and Chinese herbology.
- FibromyalgiaFibromyalgia is pain in the muscles. Very often this is caused by an old virus or cold that was not properly expelled from the body or by an inoculation. The old infection is trapped between two energetic layers of the muscle causing the patient pain. It can be resolved with acupuncture and/or Chinese herbal formulas. Fibromyalgia is also caused by an obstruction in an acupuncture meridian which can also be cleared by acupuncture and/or Chinese herbs.
- Frequent UrinationFrequent urination in a classical sense, using the theory of Chinese medicine, is generally a deficiency of yang of the kidney, an easily corrected weakness. It can also be caused by a swollen prostate in men or a prolapsed uterus in women. There are Japanese acupuncture treatments for a swollen prostate, and also Chinese herbal formulas which work. In women who have sometimes been diagnosed by a Western doctor with a prolapsed uterus, I have nevertheless been able to assist them by using magnets on key acupuncture points on the bladder meridian.
- Frozen ShoulderMy first acupuncture teacher, Dr. Anton Jayasuriya, used to delight in showing us students how to cure a frozen shoulder. When a patient came to the clinic with a frozen shoulder, he would stop all of us from treating our patients and call us around to watch. Then he would put one needle in the stomach meridian of the patient’s leg (the leg on the same side of the body as the frozen shoulder) and one needle in the gallbladder meridian of the foot on the side opposite to frozen shoulder. He would then manually stimulate the needle in the leg while simultaneously instructing the patient to elevate his arm. A shocked look would come over the patient as he painlessly raised his arm. Anton would nearly bow like a magician performing a great feat.
- GlaucomaGlaucoma in the theory of Chinese medicine is caused by a deficiency of yin. This is corrected by the use of one of several Chinese herbal formulas, chosen according to the exact diagnosis.
- Headaches also see MigrainesChronic headaches may have their cause in a number of different maladies in Chinese medicine. In women, they are often related to the menstrual cycle. Headaches and migraine headaches were one of my early specialties in my career and I am pleased to say that I have a very good track record in curing them.
- Heart Beat irregular (palpitations)Palpitations and irregular heart beat in Chinese medicine may have their origin in deficient heart qi, deficient heart yang or yin, or stagnation or deficiency of the blood. I have found that sometimes palpitations are due to a protein deficiency.
- Heel Pain from Bone SpursHeel spurs in Chinese medicine are caused by a malformation in the bone. A Chinese herbal formula assists the bone in re-kniting its structure in a non-pathalogical form.
- HiccupsHiccups are caused by “rebellious” stomach qi. in other words, by qi going the wrong way. If chronic, hiccups are normally caused by irregular diet, frustration and eating too much cold or raw food. These conditions causing hiccups are very treatable in acupuncture and Chinese herbology.
- HypertensionHypertension has effective treatments in both Japanese and Chinese acupuncture and Chinese herbology. A patient who has followed an undisciplined diet, is over weight, and who doesn’t exercise needs to address those issues first.
- HyperthyroidThis practitioner believes that hyperthyroidism has its origins in a disharmony of the liver caused by too much frustration. This disharmony is treatable in both Japanese and Chinese acupuncture and Chinese herbology.
- Hypochondrium Pain or Flank Pain or Pain in the SidePain in the hypochondrium is in Chinese medicine a disharmony of the liver and/or gallbladder. Acupuncture and Chinese herbology readily overcome these disharmonies.
- HypothyroidThis practitioner believes that hypothyroidism is caused by a lack of kidney yang, a condition easily treated.
- IBS - Irritable Bowel SyndromeI treat IBS using KMS Japanese acupuncture. With this method, I diagnose by palpating the abdomen, then treat by inserting needles in acupuncture points on the extremities. The treatment quells the pain and inflammation I find during the diagnosis. I have cured numerous patients of IBS using this technique.
- Impotence see Erectile DysfunctionThis disorder of one of my favorite maladies to treat as its cure brings much happiness! I treat it with moxibustion, acupuncture and Chinese herbology.
- IncontinenceIncontinence is treatable in Chinese herbology and acupuncture as deficiencies in the yin and/or yang of the kidney. Moxabustion is often very helpful as well. I have good success in treating incontinence.
- InsomniaInsomnia may be subdivided for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment into difficulty falling asleep or difficulty staying asleep. I treat both. It can also have its origins in worry, which I can’t cure.
- Intestinal DisharmoniesThis is a wide subject, but not too wide for Japanese and Chinese acupuncture. Abdominal disharmonies are easily diagnosed and treated with Japanese palpation and treatment. Many abdominal disharmonies are easily diagnosed from their symptoms in Chinese medicine, with effective treatment following.
- Irregular MenstruationIrregular Menstruation is an abnormality of the menstrual cycle. There may be a change in the quantity and color of blood, or an early or late menstruation or other irregularity of the cycle. These may be caused by a deficiency of qi or blood, or by stagnation of qi or heat or cold in the blood. These diagnoses are all very treatable with acupuncture and Chinese herbology.
- JaundiceJaundice symptoms include yellow discoloration of the sclera, skin and urine. In Chinese medicine this is caused by dampness and/or heat which leads to abnormal circulation of the bile. There are two diagnoses of jaundice in Chinese medicine : Yang jaundice and Yin jaundice. Both are effectively treated such that the patient feels better straight away, though the complete cure takes longer.
- Joint PainJoint pain may be of a number of different origins, including arthritis both rheumatoid and osteo. Both rheumatoid and osteo arthritis are treatable, as are other specifically Chinese diagnoses causing joint pain. In Chinese medicine, there is also joint pain due to the damp or cold weather, a condition that may harken back to your great grandmother’s description of her own aches and pains. In other words, Chinese medicine makes sense of the down-to-earth language of Americans who lived before modern Western medicine.
- LeukorrheaLeukorrhea may be distinguished according to color, consistency and smell, with each such characteristic having a diagnosis and treatment according to the theory of Chinese medicine.
- Low Back PainLow back pain has several causes. It may be a yang deficiency, scoliosis, or simply a crooked back. Most scolioses I treat successfully with KMS ** Japanese acupuncture. Yang deficiencies are easily treated in Chinese acupuncture and Chinese herbology. Crooked backs—a subluxation—are easily straightened by using unique acupuncture points along the spine.
- Low EnergyLow energy may have several causes in Chinese medicine including a deficiency of qi, yang, or emotions causing an overheating of the liver, resulting in stagnation of the qi. Additionally, patients may be deficient in blood. Blood deficiency is often a nutritional issue.
- Lung DisordersThe lungs, in the theory of Chinese medicine, control the skin. Thus dry lungs or lungs deficient in yin cause dry skin. This condition is remedied with Chinese herbs. Other conditions caused by the lungs include lung qi deficiency which causes shortness of breath. Dry lungs may also cause a dry cough. We catch colds in our lungs, a condition helped greatly by acupuncture and Chinese herbology. Asthma, discussed above, is also a lung condition. And the lungs may have clear or yellow phlegm causing a cough. All are treatable.
- Manic Depression or Manic DisorderI have cured a patient recently of manic depression using KMS Japanese acupuncture. From abdominal palpation I determined her inflamed areas, and inserted needles at points on her extremities to quell the inflammation.** This, over the course of many treatments, greatly calmed the inflammation of her abdomen. She got off all her medications, became employed and today ls well and leading a normal life. I believe the inflammation of her gut led her immune system to also be over active in her brain, producing her manic-depression.
- Menstrual Problems see Dysmenorrhea, Amenorrheasee Dysmenorrhea, Amenorrhea
- MenopauseEmotional problems of menopause are easily treated with Chinese herbology. Also easily treated are hot flashes or night sweats that often begin at menopause. Some of thee formulas may become your new best friend, as you will simply feel better and be less frustrated.
- Middle Age—Ill effects ofAs the body ages, the qi (vital life for energy) becomes weaker, the yin and yang weaken and the vital organs therefore may weaken. Acupuncture and Chinese herbology are brilliantly suited to overcome these weaknesses. The ancient Chinese doctors’ model of how the body works explains these conditions. As we strengthen qi, yin, yang, etc. by the use of acupuncture and Chinese herbs, the organs and thus the overall body itself functions better.
- Migraine HeadachesI have treated a lot of cases of migraine headaches, and it the process often developed a deep rapport with the patients. I seem to have a gift of knowing when they walk in with a headache as I immediately get a headache myself. Fortunately, not nearly as severe, just enough to let me know they walked in with a headache. Migraine headaches almost always have their origin as a disharmony of the liver. The emotion of the liver is anger, or we can use the nicer word “frustration.” There is often a twisted past of suffering earlier in life that set up the migraines. I often feel like a combatant with them swimming through their sea of misery as we somehow heal the past and make our way to health on the shore. It is always a sweet victory.
- Morning SicknessMorning sickness is easy to treat and it is simple in its diagnosis. I just treated a young woman for this. It is caused by qi weakened by too much sugar which is then not strong enough for Mother and baby. By strengthening the qi, the problem is solved, the next stage of pregnancy arrives where there is no morning sickness!
- Muscle PainMuscle Pain occurs when the flow of qi is obstructed in the meridians by dampness, cold or blood stagnation. It is uncomplicated generally and easy to cure.
- MS - Multiple SclerosisI treat ms with KMS Japanese acupuncture,** palpating the abdomen to search for painful points. Then I place needles on points on the extremities to quell the pain in the abdomen. This reduces the inflammation of the gut and the immune system calms down. I believe a signal goes to the immune system elsewhere in the body so that the immune system stops eating the myelin on the nerves and in the brain.
** A recent patient, after one treatment, is walking 20 feet without a walker, which he could not do before the treatment! He is 38 years old. I believe that additional treatments would be equally beneficial for him.
- Myalgic EncephalomyelitisMyalgic Encephalomyelitis or Chronic Fatigue has more than one cause. The cause I see most frequently occurs in patients who for too many years were leading terribly frustrating lives. The frustration eventually takes its toll on internal organs, slowing or blocking the flow of qi. Acupuncture, Chinese herbology and deep emotional work (which I do also) are natural and effective in treating this malady.
- NauseaNausea is easily and successfully treated with acupuncture and Chinese herbs. It often has its origins in extended frustration and weak stomach qi.
- Nocturnal Enuresis — bedwettingNocturnal Enuresis, in the theory of Chinese medicine, is caused by a weakness of the qi of the kidney which is treatable with acupuncture and Chinese herbs. Other Chinese doctors believe this disease is caused by the underdevelopment of cerebral micturition center. Even so, the strengthening of Kidney qi provides a satisfactory effect until the child matures more fully.
- Nose Bleeding — EpistsaxisNose bleeding is caused by a deficiency of yin or heat in the lung or stomach. It is curable with acupuncture and/or Chinese herbs.
- NymphomaniaThis practitioner believes nymphomania is caused by excessive heat and yin deficiency in the kidney.
- Parkinson’s DiseaseI treat Parkinson’s Disease with KMS Japanese acupuncture.** By palpating the abdomen I find painful areas. Then I needle specific acupuncture points, mostly on the extremities, which quell the inflammation causing the pain. In so doing the immune system is calmed so that it quits eating the brain.
- PleurisyPleurisy is caused in Chinese medicine by phlegm-heat in the lung. It is treated with acupuncture and Chinese herbs.
- Premature EjaculationI treat premature ejaculation by enhancing the yin of the kidney.
- Rapid PulseRapid pulse is caused in Chinese medicine by a yin deficiency of the heart or by heat in the heart. Both are treatable with acupuncture and Chinese herbs.
- Retention of Phlegm in the LungsCoughs in Chinese medicine may be caused by phlegm in the lungs. The phlegm may be either clear or yellow. Clear phlegm may be the result of a diet too rich in sugar and dairy, or the residual effect of a cold. Yellow phlegm indicates infection (or heat as the Chinese would say) in the lung. Dry coughs may result from weak lung qi, or from a cold that is not yet fully resolved. Acupuncture and Chinese herbology are effective for these conditions.
- RhinitisAllergic Rhinitis is due to an antigen-antibody reaction in the nasal mucosa.* Clear phlegm descends from the nostrils. I have a large pharmacy of Chinese herbs formulated for treating allergies. Acupuncture also helps greatly. And I additionally use KMS Japanese acupuncture to quell the reactivity of the immune system.**
- SadnessDepression in terms of Chinese medicine is stagnation of liver qi, which is caused by anger, repressed as it may be. I was depressed for 27 years and was healed by years of seeking a closer relationship to God, and ultimately by His grace. So I know a lot about depression. To undo the painful knots of all that repressed anger is a lot of work. But the work brings joy in the end.
- Sciatic PainSciatic pain is most often caused by the sciatic nerve’s being pinched in the lumbar region. One might also get pain down his leg from what the Chinese call bi syndrome, which is caused by an obstruction of one of the leg meridians by damp, cold, etc., and is fully curable. So too, sciatica caused the nerve’s being pinched, is curable by straightening the lumbar with acupuncture.
- SchizophreniaI have cured schizophrenia using KMS Japanese** abdominal palpation followed by Japanese acupuncture to quell the painful points, thus reducing the inflammation of the gut and calming the immune system. I believe that before my intervention, the immune system was overactive and attacking the brain.
- ScoliosisScoliosis I find can in most cases be cured with Japanese acupuncture. It was a recent breakthrough in my practice.
- SinusitisSinusitis is an allergic reaction similar to rhinitis except that it is in a more advanced stage and the mucus is now thick yellow. It can be successfully treated using both KMS Japanese** and Chinese acupuncture and Chinese herbs.
- Skin DisordersAcupuncture and Chinese herbology are uniquely able to resolve skin disorders. The location of the dermatological problem often gives away its origin. A rash or eczema is often located on certain acupuncture meridians that are related to internal organs of the same name. For example, an eczema may be located on the stomach meridian, in which case we diagnose further to see if there is a disharmony in the stomach itself. Such skin problems, once diagnosed, are easily treated.
- Stomach disordersMost Stomach disorders are effectively treated with KMS Japanese** acupuncture. Chinese medicine has a brilliant array of cures, also.
- StressStress is a word popularly used today to describe emotions thought to be unhealthy for our bodies. The ancient Chinese doctors who formulated the theory of Chinese medicine differentiated 5 separate emotions according to the five elements and organs associated with the 5 elements:
- sadness is the emotion of the lung which is of the element metal
- fear is the emotion of the kidney which is of the element water
- anger is the emotion of the liver which is of the element wood
- joy is the emotion of the heart which is of the element fire
- anxiety is emotion of the spleen and stomach which are of the element earth
So when we are diagnosing a patient, we differentiate what emotion is affecting which organ!
- StrokesReferred to as a wind stroke in Chinese medicine, strokes are brought on by four causes:
- Overwork, emotional stress and excessive sexual activity
- Irregular diet and physical overwork
- Excessive sexual activity and inadequate rest
- Physical overwork and inadequate rest
Strokes may be of the tense type (collapse of yin), or the flaccid type(collapse of yang).
There are further differentiations which then lead to the appropriate treatment for each type. - SunstrokeSunstroke is due to prolonged exposure to the sun, or to an environment with high temperature.
Mild cases include headache, dizziness, profuse sweating, hot skin, coarse breathing, dry mouth and tongue, dire thirst, superficial, large and rapid pulse.# Severe cases manifest as headache, dire thirst and shortness of breath at first, and then collapse, loss of consciousness, sweating, deep and forceless pulse.# Acupuncture and Chinese herbs are very helpful. - SyncopeSyncope is manifested by sudden fainting, pallor, cold limbs and loss of consciousness, which are often resulted from emotional excitement, fright, or debilitation and overstraining.
- ThyroidThis practitioner believes that hyperthyroidism has its origins in a disharmony of the liver caused by too much frustration. This disharmony is treatable in both Japanese and Chinese acupuncture and Chinese herbology.
- Tics and TremorsTics in Chinese medicine are caused by an internal disharmony that generally has its origins in frustration or anger. Anyone who has a tic will benefit greatly from acupuncture and Chinese herbs. He or she will not only get rid of the tic, but feeling better, will come to an understanding of the power of Oriental medicine.
- TinnitusTinnitus is difficult to cure in Chinese medicine, but it is easy to reduce the volume and the amount of time that it is audible. Tinnitus is indicative of a rise of liver yang from anger or a deficiency of yin from age or overwork.
- Tennis ElbowI find tennis elbow to be easy to cure, thanks to the writings of one of my favorite teachers, Giovanni Maciocia.
- TonsillitisTonsillitis is caused by what the Chinese call a “wind heat,” though there are even more severe causes. It is successfully treated with acupuncture and Chinese herbs.
- ToothacheNot caused by decay or abscess, Toothaches are often caused by what the Chinese call “heat” in the stomach or large intestine meridians which traverse the upper and lower jaw. It is an easy cure.
- Urination - Frequent or PainfullFrequent urination in a classical sense, using the theory of Chinese medicine, is generally a deficiency of yang of the kidney, an easily corrected weakness. It can also be caused by a swollen prostate in men or a prolapsed uterus in women. There are Japanese acupuncture treatments for a swollen prostate, and also Chinese herbal formulas which work. In women who have sometimes been diagnosed by a Western doctor with a prolapsed uterus, I have nevertheless been able to assist them by using magnets on key acupuncture points on the bladder meridian.
- Urinary Disturbance — Urinary CalculiUrinary disturbance may manifest as too frequent, painful urination or incontinence.# Calculi may flow with the urine, which may be yellow and turbid or there may be blood in the urine. These symptoms each have a clear cause and treatment in Chinese medicine.
- UrticariaUrticaria is a skin eruption characterized by transitory, flat-topped wheals which look like measles or are as large as broad beans. It may come and go. Urticaria is treated with acupuncture and Chinese herbs.#
- Uterine CystsI treat uterine cysts with Chinese herbology, usually with great success. No acupuncture is involved unless the patient needs it for other issues.
- Uterine Fibroids and PolypsUterine fibroids and polyps are treated with Chinese herbal formulas for phlegm and blood stagnation. I have had very good success with such formulas.
- Vitality, lack ofLack of vitality has many causes in Chinese medicine.. It is a common and recurring theme in my practice. There may be a weakness of qi, yang, or the presence of heat causing fatigue. When all essences of the body are restored and the patient in balance, she feels like a new woman.
- VomitingVomiting—other than when the body is knowingly expelling bad food just eaten (a form of self protection) is caused generally by excessive frustration affecting the liver along with weak qi of the stomach. Acupuncture and Chinese herbology are very well suited to restore health in this situation.
- Wheezing Wheezing in the acute phase is caused by hot or cold phlegm. In the chronic phase it is caused by a qi weakness of the lungs, spleen or kidney.*
Paul Peter Finney, Dipl. Ac., Kansas City / Prairie Village & Humboldt, Kansas
Featured in “Who’s Who in Health and Medicine,” “Who’s Who in America,” and “Who’s Who in the World”
*Giovanni Maciocia, The Practice of Chinese Medicine, Churchill Livingstone, London, 1994
**Kiiko Matsumoto and David Euler, Kiiko Matsumoto’s Clinical Strategies, 2008
#Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Foreign Languages Press, Beijing,1987