Chinese Herbology

Finney Acupuncture Clinic in Kansas City offers Chinese Medicine Acupuncture and Herbology


Finney Acupuncture - KaptchukNow practiced in Kansas City and all over world, Chinese Herbology, like acupuncture, was painstakingly developed by the ancient Chinese doctors. Most of the herbal formulas used today are from the Ming Dynasty and were developed and used for the members of the court. So what we have today is the medicine developed and used for the royalty—the emperors and empresses—of ancient China.
Chinese Herbology today is formulated and prescribed using the same theories that underpin Chinese Acupuncture. These theories include Yin and Yang and the Five Elements of Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal.


For a very thoughtful exposition of the theory Chinese Medicine, I recommend “Chinese Medicine, The Web That Has No Weaver,” by my teacher, Ted J. Kaptchuk.

In most situations, Kansas City acupuncturist Paul Peter Finney will prescribe prepared classical formulas. In certain situations, he will compound a special formula from his pharmacy. In either case, the herbal medicine will be in tablets, capsules or round pills. Photos of part of his pharmacy appear on this page.

Finney Acupuncture - Pharmacy   Finney Acupuncture - Pharmacy

Call me at (913) 649-0700 or (620) 473-2200

Paul Peter Finney, Dipl. Ac., Kansas City / Prairie Village & Humboldt, Kansas
Featured in “Who’s Who in Health and Medicine,” “Who’s Who in America,” and “Who’s Who in the World”