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I’m so glad I crossed paths with Paul. He came highly recommended to me by my massage therapist, who had a client who also experienced huge pain relief after visiting Paul.

My daily aches and pains had started to boil over to the point where it was interfering with normal life. I was able to see Paul quickly. His quaint office is anything but clinical or flashy—and I felt more like I had walked into his study than a cold doctors office. It’s a quiet, peaceful space, and thankfully he doesn’t play enya or any of the stereotypical music. You can hear the birds chirping out the window which adds to the peaceful vibe you’ll get walking into his office. I felt like like I’d discovered a hidden gem that I had driven past so many times. There are touches of his eastern and global influences woven throughout the space—but not in a way that is inauthentic, pretentious or overly “new-agey.”

And in general that’s how I might summarize Paul: very genuine, down to earth, approachable, and a blend of east and west woven together in a way that makes what he does very accessible and comfortable…yet different enough that it will challenge your perceptions of what you think you know about how our bodies and minds work.

I’ve had acupuncture before from other practitioners maybe once or twice but it had been a while. For my first time he started with a brief intake form and sat down with me to discuss my ailments. He really listened and took the time to understand what was going on. He took my pulse and asked some follow up questions related to my ailments. The acupuncture itself was done very gently. Afterwards i felt pretty sleepy, which I understand is pretty common. So far I’ve found it best to try to build in a little rest after our sessions—not pushing it too hard. The next day I woke up and couldn’t believe how much my overall pain level was reduced. I had a deep tissue massage just a few days before seeing Paul and one a couple days after. During my pre-acupuncture massage, there were areas on my body that put me up to a 9 or 10 pain level with a pretty light touch—I couldn’t even tolerate having them worked on. After acupuncture, those same areas either felt fine or significantly lower. Even my massage therapist was floored at the difference. And as an added bonus, my allergies have improved since seeing Paul.

After only a few treatments, I now consider him to be an essential part of my wellness team. I appreciate everything he does to make me feel better but I also really enjoy our conversations and his warm, gentle and inquisitive personality. Just being around him makes me feel calmer and at ease. He really seems to meet you where you are and takes a great deal of time to try to help you. He is not pushy with lots of supplements but recommends them from time to time as well as simple remedies that are easily accessible (like chamomile tea during the daytime to calm me down!)

And I really feel like I’ve only scratched the surface of what Paul is capable of. He seems to have a wealth of knowledge, gifts and talents from decades of experience. But more than knowledge and experience comes the care. With Paul—the combination of his inquisitiveness, caring nature, and generous time is a real gift to his patients. I look forward to continuing my treatments with him and can’t recommend him enough.

Kristin Schultz

Mr. Finney has a substantial amount of knowledge in the realm of acupuncture and natural healing. A true professional in his field.

Derek Hames

I had suffered with lupus symptoms for years. Dr. Finney improved both my fatigue and flares dramatically! Wonderful person and a brilliant acupuncturist.

Becky Isle

Paul is an amazing person with a huge heart. He’s not only talented & highly knowledgeable in his craft, but you also get the sense that he truly cares about your well being as well. I feel more whole and well rounded after every visit with Paul.

Adam Kiddoo

Paul is an amazing person with a huge heart. He’s not only talented & highly knowledgeable in his craft, but you also get the sense that he truly cares about your well being as well. I feel more whole and well rounded after every visit with Paul.

Adam Kiddoo

Paul Finney is excellent at getting to the root cause, I definitely recommend this place. Helps me with my back better than any Chiropractor around.

Debbie Eagle

Today was my first visit. Paul is fantastic, I felt completely comfortable and I can’t wait for my next appointment.I have been taking anti- depressants for 20 years and never really feel better. So I’m very hopeful of this treatment, and contrary to popular assumptions it really doesn’t hurt at all..!

Mona Barker

Mr. Finney is great.! He is very knowledgeable and has a peaceful atmosphere. It really is crazy how much mentally this helps and cleared my mind. I would recommend him to anyone.

Janet Naff

I started going to Paul several years ago for varies issues. I found his acupuncture treatments, along with his nutritional support/homeopathic and herbal remedies, and spirituality healing on so many different levels. I always feel as if my body and soul are refreshed after a treatment. I now see Paul for what I refer to as tune ups when I feel I am out of balance. He is a master at what he practices and has helped me on so many different levels. I highly recommend Paul. He has made such a huge difference, not only in my life but my familys.


My experience with Dr Paul Peter Finney was in the least, a life changing experience. Lasting impression. Connects with patients on many levels. Very wonderful person. Helped my family tremendously..


Thank you. You have kept me on my feet thru my dizzy spells and vertigo. Without acupuncture I would not be able to function day to day.

You also helped my husband with the pinched nerve in his neck. One treatment and and it has never returned.

Liz Monger

My leg, hip and back pain started earlier this summer. My pain was so bad that it was very hard to walk. Plus, my energy level and libido were low. (I am 48 years old.) I am very active and have 2 large dogs and a husband that require a lot of attention and physical activity, so it was necessary for me to be pain free.

My husband suggested I go to Paul Peter Finney, since he had been treated by him and had had good results. My first treatment actually made the pain go away. That was temporary, but, when the pain came back a few days later, it was definitely reduced. I had treatments weekly for about 5 weeks, once a week. Plus, Paul prescribed Chinese herbs for me. Each time I had the treatment, the pain would go away, but, when it came back, it was greatly reduced. After the 5th treatment, my pain was totally gone and it has not come back! I still take the herbs on occasion, especially for my energy level and to keep in balance.

I highly recommend Paul Peter Finney for pain relief and energy balance. Thank goodness for Paul!

Claudia, Kansas City, Missouri

Healing messiah! I have had horrible TMJ pain for years and have tried remedy with massages, yoga, mouth guards etc and nothing helped until I started seeing Paul for acupuncture. After 2 treatments the pain was gone- like magic. I am also a broke college student so lucky it is fair pricing. Whatever pain you’re going through, he can help you


Both my son and I have been treated by Acupuncturist Paul Finney with amazing results. Paul genuinely listens with devoted interest and applies Eastern medicine with expert care. He has a vast amount of Eastern medicine knowledge and a willingness to explain and share information. He has become more than our Acupuncturist, he is a friend who treats his patients with sincere care.


When I made my first appointment I had been having severe migraine headaches for years. They were getting even worse and I was desperate. After three treatments I have been migraine-free for six years! THANKS!

Gene White, Attorney, El Dorado, KS

I’m so glad I crossed paths with Paul. He came highly recommended to me by my massage therapist, who had a client who also experienced huge pain relief after visiting Paul.My daily aches and pains had started to boil over to the point where it was interfering with normal life. I was able to see Paul quickly. His quaint office is anything but clinical or flashy—and I felt more like I had walked into his study than a cold doctors office. It’s a quiet, peaceful space, and thankfully he doesn’t play enya or any of the stereotypical music. You can hear the birds chirping out the window which adds to the peaceful vibe you’ll get walking into his office. I felt like like I’d discovered a hidden gem that I had driven past so many times. There are touches of his eastern and global influences woven throughout the space—but not in a way that is inauthentic, pretentious or overly “new-agey.”And in general that’s how I might summarize Paul: very genuine, down to earth, approachable, and a blend of east and west woven together in a way that makes what he does very accessible and comfortable…yet different enough that it will challenge your perceptions of what you think you know about how our bodies and minds work.

I’ve had acupuncture before from other practitioners maybe once or twice but it had been a while. For my first time he started with a brief intake form and sat down with me to discuss my ailments. He really listened and took the time to understand what was going on. He took my pulse and asked some follow up questions related to my ailments. The acupuncture itself was done very gently. Afterwards i felt pretty sleepy, which I understand is pretty common. So far I’ve found it best to try to build in a little rest after our sessions—not pushing it too hard. The next day I woke up and couldn’t believe how much my overall pain level was reduced. I had a deep tissue massage just a few days before seeing Paul and one a couple days after. During my pre-acupuncture massage, there were areas on my body that put me up to a 9 or 10 pain level with a pretty light touch—I couldn’t even tolerate having them worked on. After acupuncture, those same areas either felt fine or significantly lower. Even my massage therapist was floored at the difference. And as an added bonus, my allergies have improved since seeing Paul.

After only a few treatments, I now consider him to be an essential part of my wellness team. I appreciate everything he does to make me feel better but I also really enjoy our conversations and his warm, gentle and inquisitive personality. Just being around him makes me feel calmer and at ease. He really seems to meet you where you are and takes a great deal of time to try to help you. He is not pushy with lots of supplements but recommends them from time to time as well as simple remedies that are easily accessible (like chamomile tea during the daytime to calm me down!)And I really feel like I’ve only scratched the surface of what Paul is capable of. He seems to have a wealth of knowledge, gifts and talents from decades of experience. But more than knowledge and experience comes the care. With Paul—the combination of his inquisitiveness, caring nature, and generous time is a real gift to his patients. I look forward to continuing my treatments with him and can’t recommend him enough.


It had been years that I had been suffering with headaches, stomach problems, and inability to sleep. The medical community had pretty much written me off after putting me through test after humiliating test. Most came back ‘inconclusive’ leading to a battery of more tests and further mysteries and hospital visits. I was depressed, anxious, and unable to function the way I had been used to.

When Paul came to visit, I seriously doubted his ability to change anything about my situation. I had heard about chinese herbology and had previously experienced minimal benefits from acupuncture, but I doubted that something this serious could be healed by small needles and herbs.

However, Paul assured me I would begin to feel some benefit almost immediately and that the combination of herbs and acupuncture would be more potent than one or the other alone. He was right. The first few acupuncture treatments actually left me feeling more painful—but a lot of that was eased by the chinese medicine and within a couple of days I was feeling much better. I was able to begin eating proper meals again and my energy levels picked up to levels I hadn’t felt for months. It truly felt miraculous.

After Paul left I continued with the herbal treatments and have maintained a level of health that I haven’t seen for a long time. Although I did regress somewhat, I still remain headache-free, I am able to eat regularly, and I am able to keep up with my four-year-old son!

Willow, Cincinnati, OH

I received my first Acupuncture treatment and Chinese remedies from Paul Finney in 1990. I had been dealing with a tremendous amount of stress in both my personal life and at work. Also, I was having extreme perimenopause symptoms. Paul was able to alleviate all my physical and emotional symptoms with Acupuncture and Chinese herbs and remedies.

I have continued to receive treatments from Paul throughout the past seventeen years for various reasons and will continue to do so whenever it is necessary to maintain optimum health and well being. Paul has an extraordinarily vast knowledge of Acupuncture and Chinese
Herbs and Remedies.


Paul treated my shoulder for about three months and eliminated the chronic pain Id been dealing with for a couple of years. Very nice person, relaxed and easy to deal with. Very good overall experience! I highly recommend!!


I’m happy with my acupuncture and feel as though I had a good experience. I would recommend it to anyone. I’m sleeping much better.

Neal Krieg

I was amazed how fast the herbs worked. I thought it would take two weeks before they started working. But they started working immediately.

Adele R. Jones

I am a farmer and last year after getting an MRI, a nerve was struck and I had a terrible pain in my shoulder. I had surgery and I couldnt do any exercises or go to a chiropractor. I was in so much pain I contacted Mr. Finney and it took about 6 treatments but finally the pain eased and I was able to get relief. That was my first experience with acupuncture and Mr. Finney, but I am a believer, it worked for me..


Paul Peter Finney, Dipl. Ac., Kansas City / Prairie Village & Humboldt, Kansas
Featured in “Who’s Who in Health and Medicine,” “Who’s Who in America,” and “Who’s Who in the World”